I can’t believe it that 1 year has passed by since you were promoted to God’s glory Mum. Time has gone by and yet it only seems like yesterday that you left. I love you Mum always and I know that you reached a better place and that heaven was needing your smile and your character. I know that if you were here today you would be thinking about your children and am so glad that you were my mum. Mum, you loved us more than anything and just remembering how much you and Dad struggled for us makes me realize how you were such instrumental in what we are today. Maybe you left too early but I always know that the Lord had His plans for your departure.
What pains most is knowing that I had just spoken to you the previous day and you were just fine and healthy and it still kills me that I never laid my eyes on you before you died. And the fact that you died in your sleep and maybe struggled alone without anybody knowing makes me feel I should have been there for you. Atleast if you had been sick I would have accepted the fact that you had passed away through sickness but all the same I realize that your day had come and it was to be on 22nd August. Maybe you were longing to be near God and now I know that you are happy than you would have been here considering the struggles of life man has to go through. I try as much not to cry but just to keep strong knowing that your motherly love for me is so strong even in death. When I traveled from Nairobi and got home it was so weird not to find you home, I even asked where you had gone to because I was so used to finding you home when I got there. The next day I didn’t have the strength to come see your remains at the mortuary, I woke up teary knowing that the day of truth had finally come and I would finally confirm you were dead. All the way to the mortuary Maxwell and Evans my nephew were all quiet and I was just deep in thoughts.i was thinking of the last time I had been to the morge and that was to pick my beloved sister Betty’s remains too.(God rest her soul in peace) I know it was the same that had just drained the life out of you because no parent wants to experience burying their own child. I thought of seeing my sister lying on the mortuary table, and remembering her well made hair and her white dress and I realized that I had to contend with seeing you in the same state. It hurt like crazy.
And the moment came when we got to the mortuary and, boom! You were lying there in the cold, frozen and quiet forever. I couldn’t stand it and I just left. Some one would say that maybe I should have been used to that after experiencing my niece and nephew’s death, my sister in law, my Dad and my sister but no. I realized that moment that NOTHING hurts like losing your mother to death.


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